Automate IT management tasks for a more secure IT infrastructure
A strong and innovative partner for your data and application platforms develops the IT infrastructure you need. On top of that, he rolls out the desired applications and manages the complete environment. In every step of this cycle, he focuses on increasing automation. At the same time, he can’t ignore the importance of security in these activities, because here also, he needs to make the difference by means of automation. Discover how you can get a more secure IT infrastructure!
Meanwhile, the loyal readers of our blog know our view upon setting up and managing IT infrastructure. We prefer to automate as much as possible the so-called dirty jobs (repetitive tasks with little added value). In the field of security also, we inevitably come across such tasks. Of course, it is important to pay the necessary attention to it.
The number and type of vulnerabilities and threats are growing. Cyber criminals are becoming increasingly inventive and clever. The tools they use for this purpose, are also more and more advanced. Therefore, a clear, effective strategy is absolutely required in order to minimize the risks in the field of cyber security. Entrepreneurs are very scared of data leaks or service interruptions. And so they should be! The obvious reaction is to install the tightest possible security measures. However, in practice, this results in an unworkable environment.
A proactive, automated approach
A future-proof IT infrastructure should maintain the freedom to continuously respond to the changing business needs. This requires a different view on cyber security. In this context, you must focus on the following elements. You should enforce the proactive detection and give the right priority to possible vulnerabilities. Moreover, you must keep in balance the operation of the business-critical systems and the deployment of people and resources. In this context also, you best choose a partner who opts for a thorough automation. This will not only optimize the resources a company frees up for its IT security; it will also simply lead to better results.
The reason for this is very simple. It is impossible for a human operator to treat and interpret one by one all security alerts sent out by a complex IT infrastructure. In practice, this involves gigantic data volumes. Even if the company chose to invest in additional staff or provide a whole army of operators to treat all warnings. It wouldn’t result in an entirely secured environment either.
No gray area
You can explain all of this by the fact that people inevitably make mistakes and interpret the information provided. Although there are procedures and agreements, this interpretation will inevitably result in deviating reactions. If you draw up comprehensive guidelines for the treatment of these warnings and entrust their implementation to a machine, there will be no more room for a gray area. Subsequently, all tasks resulting from this automated approach will be automatically – quickly and efficiently – completed by a suitable solution, such as Puppet Remediate.
This way, at BRYXX we take the automation of the IT environment to a higher level again. While vulnerability management tools are detecting and identifying vulnerabilities in the first place, Puppet Remediate clearly goes a step further. This solution qualifies the vulnerabilities detected and immediately provides the necessary scripts via Puppet Forge, in order to solve the problem.
The smartest choice
Anyone who deals with the entire vulnerability management process manually, does not only need a high level of expertise, but inevitably stays behind. In this context, manual work is too slow, too reactive and often just not good enough. The interests are too important, just like the risks. Consequently, the further automation of the management of the IT infrastructure undoubtedly is the smartest choice, also in the field of security. Get a more secure IT infrastructure now!
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