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Unlocking the potential of managed services: unburdening your customers and developing your consultants

Unlocking the potential of managed services

As a service level manager at BRYXX, Tom Kenis is still learning every day. “Working on the service desk certainly never becomes boring. It requires a very flexible mindset. The goal of our work is an ambitious one: to completely relieve the customer of their worries.”  

The term “managed services” is reminiscent of remote services. “That characterization is correct to a certain extent,” says Tom Kenis. “But I like to think of our managed services team as an extension of the customer’s internal IT team, even though we’re not in the same physical location.”

Thinking like the customer

“A logical consequence of this approach is that, as members of the same IT team, we must be on the same wavelength as the customer. If the customer comes to us with a question, we shouldn’t just blindly do as we’re told. Instead, we should ask ourselves what exactly does the customer want to achieve? And will the requested action contribute to achieving that objective?

“If we’re in doubt, it’s up to us to suggest an effective alternative and — with the customer’s permission, of course — try out that alternative. It’s only then that we are fully playing our part as a trusted IT advisor. It is this proactive guidance that also makes the job attractive for IT consultants.”

Proactive, strategic approach

BRYXX not only responds to customer questions, but also tries to anticipate what questions are coming next. “That’s why we provide preventive maintenance, for example. We take a snapshot, so to speak, of the customer’s IT environment and then analyze it thoroughly. What do we see in that snapshot that might create a problem or pose a risk in the long term?

“Based on that analysis, but also on all kinds of market developments that we track, we ultimately advise our customers on which direction their IT environment could or should take. This obviously requires a certain maturity from the customer and their IT team. The customer must trust us as a partner. And it’s our responsibility to ensure that we always live up to that trust. The customer knows that they can count on us to deliver, even if their regular point of contact is ill or on holiday, for example.”

Variety is an asset

“If you don’t need IT support right now, remotely or otherwise, but are instead looking for a new challenge, then take it from me — IT service desks provide the ideal environment to develop your skills, especially for new entrants to the industry.”

This isn’t surprising when you consider how many different customers you come into contact with every day. “And you get to know a diverse set of IT environments, each with their own systems and technologies. Not only will you boost your practical knowledge, but your people skills will also come on in leaps and bounds because you’re working with different personalities from different corporate cultures.

“And even if you don’t see a service desk job as a springboard to becoming an IT consultant, the constant variety means the work is always interesting. In any case, I’m certainly not done with it yet.”

Want to know more about what managed services can do for your IT organization or for your career in IT? Contact us!