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automation of IT management

The automation of IT management requires a new mindset 

In the past few months, we have seen an enormous acceleration in the field of digitization. We can partly explain this by the massive switch to telework. Therefore, companies whose IT infrastructure wasn’t ready yet to take that step, were lagging behind. In this context, the automation of IT infrastructure management offers the key to success. However, this isn’t a one-time exercise. It requires a sustainable change in a company’s mindset.

In previous blog posts, we’ve already discussed in detail how automating repetitive and monitoring tasks frees up time and resources for jobs with more added value; for innovation, in particular. Now that we have been gaining massive experience with telework in the past few months, we could all experience very closely where exactly this automation makes the difference.

The use of video conferencing (Teams or Zoom, for instance) turned out to be very easily scalable. Indeed, with such an application, it is relatively easy to add or remove users. In this context, the upscaling or downscaling of the software takes place fully automatically, depending on the demand of the moment.

IT of the future

We bring this advantage within reach of every organization, which turned out to be more than just useful in the past few months. During the lockdown, some schools managed to completely reinvent themselves within a few days and to successfully offer remote education. In other schools, that just didn’t work and they needed several weeks to get organized. It was an easy way to see who had already developed its IT infrastructure in a future-oriented way and who hadn’t.

The same goes for companies. You have to be ready for the future. However, the business doesn’t always know what it needs in the field of IT. But frankly, that doesn’t really matter. First of all, the business wants an environment that does what it should do. And this is exactly where we can help.

A new mindset

Recurring and monitoring tasks are inextricably linked to the set-up and management of an IT environment. If you entrust this to an external partner, the most important argument isn’t the budget saved, but the time and efficiency gained. Your own employees no longer need to worry about those less interesting tasks, so that you can rely on them for activities allowing them to create added value.

However, you need a completely new mindset to switch to this way of working. We are pleased to assist you with that aspect of automation. By assessing the existing situation, for instance, we will map the maturity of your organization in the field of automation. By means of regular health checks, we make further adjustments at the appropriate moments.


Automation of IT management requires new mindset. You shouldn’t consider the automation of IT infrastructure management as a one-time exercise. In the past few months, the demand for more digitization has set a lot in motion, but this wasn’t a clearly defined project either. The automation of your IT infrastructure is a process without a clear end point. It’s a process you can always expand and refine. Therefore, you shouldn’t consider it as a one-time job, but as a lifestyle. It’s exactly that constant change that you must embrace as an organization. But also for the transition of your mindset we offer you the necessary support.

Do you want to know more about the automation of your IT infrastructure management? Contact us. 

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