Our colleagues are our strength. Thanks to their passion and knowledge, we can daily offer the best service to our customers. That is why we are proud of our team! Today we put Robbe Van de Vliet, Middleware engineer at BRYXX, in the spotlight.
7 years ago, Robbe became part of the BRYXX team. Since the beginning, his job has varied enormously. “I am a part-time middleware engineer and part-time Oracle database administrator. I am also part of the managed services team,” Robbe explains. “We are responsible for solving tickets. Each of us has our own specialization. Depending on the issue, tickets are assigned to the person who specializes in this. We complement each other perfectly! I am responsible for ORDS and database management.”

The same job, but always different
“When I’m not solving tickets, I also work on projects for clients. But we must always remain alert, because urgent matters can always come in for the managed services team. My schedule is therefore never fixed in advance. Something can always go wrong at a customer and then we jump right in.” Robbe continues.
Since his start at Bryxx, Robbe has grown with the company. “I’ve actually been in the same position for 7 years now. Yet no year is the same. The projects are very varied and always fascinating. One of the projects I’m really proud of is PSA. When I started there, I took over tasks from a senior DBA. At that moment I was really thrown to the lions”, Robbe says. “Initially I had a lot of stress to take on this project. In the end it worked out very well and now they are a good customer of ours. I am proud to say that this is partly thanks to my services.”
“Since my start, I have always been very involved with BRYXX. I was immediately allowed to participate in meetings. I was also allowed to think along about the architecture for customer projects. I really got a say in the projects. So although my position technically remained the same, over the years I have been given more and more responsibility and I am allowed to decide more in projects.”
There is always a safety net
Robbe is part of a close-knit team at BRYXX. “Everyone in our team has their own specialization, but we are always willing to help each other, even at night if needed! This is also reassuring for newcomers to our team. You are never alone. There is always a safety net with people who want to help you.”, Robbe explains.
“Moreover, the atmosphere is very good. Coming to the office is like going to a cafe with friends. I am always looking forward to going to work.”, Robbe clarifies. “Sometimes I work for clients on location. I notice that the atmosphere is often rather dry. You say good morning to each other, but nothing more. That is not the case at all with BRYXX. Here you are part of an open, social group. The atmosphere is always good with us!”