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DevOps transformation: culture and technology

Are you aiming for lean and agile software delivery? Do you want a close collaboration between the business, development and IT operations? That’s easier said than done.

In many organizations, a DevOps transformation plan doesn’t always lead to the expected business results. And that’s most likely because resources are too busy running their day-to-day business. That leaves them with a lack of time to invest in the cultural and technical change that DevOps requires. So, what do you need to do to turn things around?

The DevOps transformation plan

A good start to define e DevOps transformation plan is a design thinking workshop with developers, operations representatives, analysts and project managers. During this workshop all participants define their actual as well as their ideal work situation. They thoroughly explain to each other how they work today and how they would like to work in the future. This exercise helps participants to get a common understanding of their work environment, bottlenecks and solutions. Together, they decide how to improve their daily jobs, collaboration and business results.

Based on that outcome, the workshop leader eventually builds a DevOps transformation plan. This plan includes an overview of the cultural and technological actions. These are required to bridge the gap between the actual and the ideal work situation. In a next step, he discusses and fine-tunes the plan with the workshop participants, as their commitment is key to a successful implementation of the plan.

Culture and Technology  

The implementation of a DevOps transformation plan includes both cultural and technological components. Best practice is to have the two components managed by different parties. The organization itself preferably manages the cultural change, as it requires a significant change in the daily way of working. The objective is to create a work environment based on trust, respect, openness, experimentation and feedback. And this change starts on the shop floor. Therefore, it is important that a workforce member, who gets everybody’s respect and appreciation, manages this change.

In order to manage the technological component, we’re preferably looking for an expert, as he’s got all the credentials to successfully perform a DevOps transformation. This expert has extensive knowledge and experience with the set-up of the necessary infrastructure and DevOps tools. His expertise in automation and monitoring results in a steep learning curve. In other words, the expert prevents the organization from spending time and money on common pitfalls. The expert knows that it’s important to start with the automation of jobs that are small and have low impact. That helps to build trust. In addition, he guides the organization through the next levels of DevOps: the automation of complex jobs, better self-service solutions and automation by design at

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