DevOps open source: we say sharing is caring!
At BRYXX, we are the first to say that it’s not quite necessary to reinvent the wheel time and time again. So yes, when a DevOps open source component is available, we use it as part of our middleware solutions. And as knowledge sharing is vital to DevOps, we don’t shy away from sharing solutions we came up with ourselves.
Over the last couple of months, we have been involved in quite some open source projects. Helping out clients that got stuck with certain tools and platforms. Fully in line with the foundations of the open source concept, we share the code of these projects on the BRYXX GitHub repository. Who wants to use, improve or expand our code is more than welcome to do so.
Among other things, the repository contains the code of a Puppet monitoring framework (puppetdb-exporter). Written in Google Go for the Prometheus framework, as well as a module that you can use for the easy installation of components during a Puppet code development project (puppet language server). As we speak, we are working on an open source GUI for Puppet Bolt. As soon as that GUI is ready – we write it in Python and Django – we will share it on the BRYXX GitHub repository.
Puppet masters
As we already wrote in one of our previous blogs, Puppet is the leading tool for automated software discovery, management and delivery today. It is also a tool with a long and rich history, one that paved the way in this field. Over the years, we gained a high level of knowledge implementing Puppet.
In that perspective, it doesn’t really come as a surprise that we are now recognized as a Puppet Expert and official Puppet Reseller. But we are also sharing open source efforts that take place in the Puppet environment.
Drink your own champagne
Just like the idea of DevOps open source is based on sharing, we strongly believe in ‘drinking our own champagne’. That’s why we push our engineers, analysts and developers to share their experience on the BRYXX repository. They also take part in the online forums and discussion groups. We fully embrace the collaborative strength that we can leverage through these open source communities, as it both empowers our customers and ourselves.
Would you like to know more about our projects? Don’t hesitate to drop us a note!