It might be a cliché but it’s true: haste makes waste. That goes for IT development too, and it becomes painfully clear when your people become mired in time-consuming low-value tasks. That costs money — a lot of money. But how do you break free from this wasteful cycle when time itself is a scarce commodity?
Perhaps you haven’t thought about it in any great depth, but if your IT isn’t up to par, you’re wasting time and money every day. A bug here, an incorrect firewall rule there — soon multiple employees are getting dragged into IT rework that, for whatever reason, wasn’t done right the first time. Or they’re too occupied with what is often referred to as “busy work”: tasks that add little or no value but take up valuable time.

How much is rework costing you?
The average IT profile spends about 2% of their time on rework. If you have a team of 10 IT people, each earning €48,000 a year (the average IT salary in Belgium), you’re losing 2% of €480,000 per year — that’s €9,600 down the drain.
And it doesn’t end there. Typically, employees first sit down to examine the problem together for an hour — because that speeds up the process, right? Maybe, but it also means you’re paying three or four times that “one hour” in wages, probably at a high hourly rate as rework usually demands more expensive profiles. This compounds your losses, and not only on this project but also on the next one and the one after that. This creates a ripple effect that results in even more rework — a vicious cycle.
Win back time to create added value
The solution is to reduce rework and busy work as much as possible. You need to reverse the downward spiral and turn it into an upward movement that adds value by freeing up time and budget, allowing IT to do what it needs to do: drive the growth of your organization.
But how do you carve out time to fix the problem when time is already in short supply? That’s where BRYXX comes in. Our specialists know exactly where to look for hidden inefficiencies: they expose the rework, identify quick wins, and put them into practice, saving you a lot of time and money. It’s an investment that will pay for itself over and over again.
Let’s say the quality of your development code isn’t up to scratch. We’ll improve it using the best tools and techniques. Or perhaps you have a lack of (quality) documentation? Then we’ll focus on improving that. Or if your IT people are spending their time putting out fires because of systematically incorrectly set-up matters, we’ll automate the processes that are tying them in knots.
Save time and money: a virtuous cycle
Using these often simple steps, you can quickly reduce your rework by 10% — and 10% of 40 hours per week is half a day’s work every week. That’s 24 days per year, per staff member! This literally creates a thirteenth month.
By freeing up time and budget, you not only earn back your initial outlay, you also create time and budget to invest in more automation to further reduce rework and busy work and free up even more resources. As you can see, it’s a self-sustaining solution. Show your CIO, CTO, or CFO in black and white just how much rework and busy work are costing your organization — and how little they need to spend to turn the situation around — and they’ll be throwing the budget at you to make it happen!