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The BRYXX Brainfood Sessions: you can learn a lot from your colleagues


At BRYXX we love to share our expertise with our customers. But the knowledge we gain from our work is far too valuable not to share with our colleagues too. That’s why we regularly meet up for our Brainfood Sessions: requested by the team and led by the team. First we inspire each other with the unique know-how we’ve built up, then we enjoy good food and drinks together.

In the next two sessions, a different BRYXX engineer shares their insight on a specific topic. We do this because we know how much we can learn from our colleagues. Everything is a potential topic — from a handy tool that makes it easier to work with a security framework to a useful form of documentation or a great time management method that a colleague recently discovered.

During the final 15-minute slot, each participating member of the managed services team briefly presents what they’ve learned from a specific ticket that gave them a new insight during the last quarter. What was the ticket about, how did they solve it, and what did they learn from it?

Everyone’s with us

During the sessions, the team doesn’t just share knowledge, everyone also keeps up to speed with what’s happening with our customers: who’s doing what, and why? This way we become even more involved in each other’s work. It’s particularly useful because so many colleagues are seconded to work onsite with our customers. Through the Brainfood Sessions, everyone gets support and recognition for the work they’re doing, which is a huge motivator!

Learn to present

Each session lasts just 15 minutes, so the whole thing takes about an hour, leaving plenty of time to talk and ask questions over a snack and a drink. The Brainfood Sessions are held on Thursday evenings, but the actual sessions finish at 6:30 p.m., so you can dash off then if you need to. If you can’t make it or you want review one of the sessions afterwards, we also post them on our internal knowledge sharing platform.

For engineers who have just joined us, the Brainfood Sessions not only provide an additional source of knowledge, they’re also a great way to learn presentation skills. You’re there just for your colleagues so there’s no huge pressure attached. Even our more introverted team members feel comfortable volunteering to present in the safe environment of the Brainfood Sessions. You have nothing to lose but a great deal to gain.

Highly recommended

The Brainfood Sessions aren’t compulsory but we really recommend them. Every session is a great opportunity to a lot from colleagues’ experiences. And of course we always have a great time after the sessions! It’s the ideal way to catch up with everyone. We organize the sessions for both our Belgian and Dutch colleagues, and you can even attend remotely and enjoy a snack and a drink on us from

Interested in joining the BRYXX team? We’ll save a place for you at the next Brainfood Session!